Sports Facilities

We build your rugby pitch on turnkey basis!

Get detailed information about Rugby Field Construction now. BC Sports, specializing in the Construction of Rugby Fields, performs the construction of the Rugby Fields on a turnkey basis in a short time. To get a quick quote and detailed information about Rugby Field Construction and Turnkey Solutions, please fill out the form on the right. You will be contacted as soon as possible by phone or email.

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B&C Skandianvia Sports, which specializes in the Construction of Padel Tennis Courts, performs the construction of Indoor and Outdoor Padel Tennis Courts on a turnkey basis in a short period of 3-4 weeks.
Ground Applications Used in the Construction of Padel Tennis Courts.
Synthetic Grass Tennis Court.
Tartan Ground Tennis Court.
Acrylic Floor Tennis Court.
To get a quick quote and detailed information about Padel Tennis Court Construction and Turnkey Solutions, please fill out the form on the right.
You will be contacted as soon as possible by phone or email.



  • 26YEAR
  • Padel Tennis

    Padel is a racket sport similar to tennis. Padel is typically played in pairs or singles on an enclosed court that is approximately 25% of the size of a tennis court. Scoring is the same as in regular tennis and the balls used are similar but played with a slightly softer ball. Standard padel fields have a 10x20m playing field.