Artificial grass carpet made in China has become a common product in our country's market. We wanted to touch on the points that everyone who is thinking of buying cheap artificial grass carpet should pay attention to.
Recently, the use of artificial grass carpets has become increasingly common. The main reasons for this are that artificial grass carpets require less maintenance than natural grass, are more economical in terms of initial investment cost and are more resistant to weather conditions. However , no matter how affordable synthetic turf carpets are, some buyers prefer cheap or china made artificial turf to be more economical.
What Are Cheap Artificial Grass Carpet Damages?
Synthetic grass carpets do not require daily and continuous maintenance like natural grass. This is one of the reasons why synthetic grass has become widespread, but when cheap and poor quality artificial grass carpets made in China are preferred, the deformation time accelerates and this causes extra costs.
It has been determined that muscle injuries are more common due to the preference of cheap artificial grass carpets instead of natural grass in football fields . The reason for this is that there is a flat and hard floor under the artificial grass carpets, not a soft ground like natural grass. Since the latex floor covering of synthetic grass carpets made in China is also of poor quality, such injuries can be seen more.
B&C Skandianvia Sports Proposal
Instead of spending your money on poor quality products made in China and producing short-term solutions, we recommend that you buy a high-quality and normal-priced grass carpet produced in Turkey under market conditions.