Sports Facilities

Acrylic Floor Tennis Court

B&C Sports, which specializes in Acrylic Tennis Courts , tennis court flooring types, performs the construction of acrylic tennis courts on a turnkey basis in as little as 3 – 4 weeks. Acrylic Tennis Courts; Acrylic Floor and Cushion There are two kinds of acrylic floor. Acrylic Ground Tennis Courts can be built as indoor or outdoor.



Acrylic Floor Tennis Courts Construction



Acrylic Ground Tennis Courts are being built according to the standards set by the International Tennis Federation (ITF). Smaller tennis courts can also be built upon request. Infrastructure, iron works, wire mesh, lighting, on-site cast acrylic flooring and tennis net installation, turnkey tennis courts are made.

Two different types of ground are used in the construction of acrylic tennis courts:

  1. Acrylic Floor
  2. Cushion Acrylic Floor

The construction steps are similar in both soil types. Cushion Acrylic Floor systems have an additional layer called “cushion . Cushion is a type of flooring specially designed for sports flooring with acrylic resin and various synthetic ingredients.






Acrylic Ground Tennis Court

Uluslararası Tenis Federasyonu (ITF) tarafından belirlenen standartlara göre Akrilik Zemin Tenis Kortu inşa edilmektedir. Talep doğrultusunda amatör kullanım amaçlı daha küçük ölçülerde tenis kortları da yapılabilmektedir. Altyapı, demir işleri, tel örgü, aydınlatma, yerinde döküm akrilik zemin yapılması ve tenis filesi takılması ile anahtar teslim olarak tenis kortları yapılmaktadır.
Akrilik tenis kortu yapımında iki farklı çeşit zemin kullanılmaktadır:
Akrilik Zemin
Cushion Akrilik Zemin
Her iki zemin türünde de yapım aşamaları benzer niteliklerdedir. Cushion Akrilik Zemin sistemlerinde fazladan “cushion” olarak adlandırılan bir ara katman vardır. Cushion, spor zeminleri yapımı için özel olarak tasarlanmış, akrilik reçine ve çeşitli sentetik içerikleri bulunan bir zemin kaplama türüdür.
Akrilik Zemin Tenis Kortu Saha Ölçüleri


Acrylic Floor Tennis Court Construction Stages

  • 1. Stage
    xcavation: After the selection of the court site, leveling operations are performed. The foundation is then laid for the perimeter beams that surround the court. Perimeter Beam Concrete: A wicker frame is installed with 8 and 12 Q iron bars for the beams that will provide the fence floor support. Anchoring: 3” anchor pipes are placed in the iron frame at regular intervals to connect the main posts of the fences that will surround the court . Beam Concreting: Beam concrete is left to dry. Field Filling: For the homogeneous settlement of the acrylic floor on the ground, the court is covered with crushed stone and plentmix filling up to 15 cm. Asphalting: The first layer of asphalt is poured on the filling with a thickness of at least 5 cm. Finally, a thin granulated asphalt layer, specially produced for sports fields with a thickness of 5 cm, is laid and once again a roller is passed over to ensure that all layers are compacted.
  • 2. Stage
    Vertical pole pipes are connected to welded anchor pipes. On top of these pipes, upper, middle and horizontal pipes are attached as support pipes. Then reinforcement is applied to these pipes. Vertical poles with stairs are erected on long sides to meet the lighting needs of the court. Lighting system work is completed by placing 400 W capacity Metal Halide projectors on these poles and installing the appropriate electrical wiring. 1 hinged door is made for entry and exit to the court. According to the standards, one net of each other is sewn at the appropriate points of the court. Then, after the acrylic coating work, these nets are stretched to the tennis net. The poles around the court are stretched 4 × 4 cm mesh, dipped galvanized and PVC coated wire mesh and the entire court is covered with fence. These fences are reinforced with steel ropes which are connected to the poles by means of terminals.
  • 3. Stage
    The asphalt floor, which was previously poured into the ground and thoroughly crushed by cylinders, is cleaned thoroughly by using compressed air and water. After cleaning, filler material (Acrylic Resurfacer) is applied as the first coat. On top of that, if Cushion Acrylic System is requested, Cushion layer is laid in 2 layers. On top of this cushion layer (if no Cushion Acrylic System is requested, directly on acrylic coating), acrylic color layers (Acrylic Procoat) are applied in 2 layers and the flooring of the tennis court is completed. After finishing the line, the court is ready to use.

Tennis Courts


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